Personal ValuesFree Online Test


How it started

Somewhere at the beginning of adulthood, I had a problem with figuring out what I wanted to do in life. Everyone around me seemed to be making progress in their careers, relationships, or health. Meanwhile, I was standing still, wondering which way I should go. I had a sense of time slipping away. I knew that this moment was crucial because actions taken in young age usually set the trajectory for the following decades of life.

I reached a point where it was hard to find joy and meaning in everyday life. I was like a castaway drifting on a raft in the boundless ocean. I felt isolated in this, even though I certainly wasn't the only person struggling with a similar problem. Only by looking from a different perspective do I now see that to find your way, you first need to get lost.

No wonder I couldn't move in a specific direction when I didn't know where I wanted to end up. Luckily, I stumbled upon the topic of values in one of Tony Robbins' books. I decided to give this strategy a chance and define my values. However, I lacked guidance on how to do it properly. I started delving into this topic, and soon it completely absorbed me.

A few years later, I'm grateful to myself for deciding to take an interest in personal values. I've taken control of what I experience and find satisfaction in my work and relationships with loved ones. I never thought this would be possible to such an extent. The secret was in something that's always with us and often remains imperceptible. Today, I'm delighted that I can help others take the first step in a life-changing transformation.

Creating perfect list of values

Preparing the values list was the most demanding task. It's easy to find very long lists consisting of repetitive values, or lists that are incomplete or full of inconsistencies. Of course, those are impossible to work with. I was committed to achieving a reliable result, so I had to go back to basics and break down the topic into its fundamental components.

My goal was to create a comprehensive list of universal values that could be used for various purposes. It had to be free from repetitions, synonyms, and inaccuracies. Additionally, I required it to be globally applicable, regardless of cultural context.

Ultimately, I defined a list of 62 values that represent the universal essence of contemporary value research. I still needed to ensure that the list would fulfill its purpose. The following years were spent verifying this list with the help of users and experts from around the world. This gave me the opportunity to get to know many interesting individuals and their perspectives on fundamental values. Their experience and knowledge helped shape the project into what it is today.

The process you can trust

No matter how good your values list is, you still need to know how to work with it. The vast majority of tests use hidden algorithms and statistical tools. This works great for processing datasets, but we're not just rows in a spreadsheet. These mentioned algorithms usually operate in isolation from cultural context.

When designing this application, I decided it should be as straightforward as possible. Its fundamental premise is that the result is as accurate as the user's answers are sincere. By giving enough attention and providing thoughtful responses, you'll achieve the most precise result possible.

Initially, I wondered how precise this method would prove to be, but years of experience, over a million completed tests, and plenty of positive feedback from users confirmed the validity of the adopted approach.

Values in modern days

Most similar tests rely on an unchanged formula that's been around for years. The world is constantly changing, and so are we. In times when our attention has become a valuable resource, working with values is an even more demanding task. It's not easy to remember what's important to us when our focus is constantly scattered.

From the very beginning, my goal was to create a tool for initiating a change in perception, not just another test that we forget about a few minutes after completing. The mission of is to ensure that as many users as possible integrate values into their everyday lives.

Cutting through the noise of the digital world with this message is a contribution I want to add to our shared heritage and a thank-you for being given all the tools to pursue my dreams.